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Carbendazim is a widely used, broad-spectrum benzimidazole fungicide and a metabolite of benomyl. It is also employed as a casting worm control agent in amenity turf situations such as golf greens, tennis courts etc. and in some countries is licensed for that use only.The fungicide is used to control plant diseases in cereals and fruits, including citrus, bananas, strawberries, pineapples, and pomes. It is also controversially used in Queensland, Australia on macadamiaplantations.[ A 4.7% solution of carbendazim hydrochloride, sold as Eertavas, is marketed as a treatment for Dutch elm disease.Maximum pesticide residue limits (MRLs) have reduced since discovering its harmful effects. The MRLs for fresh produce in the EU are now between 0.1 and 0.7 mg/kg with the exception of loquat, which is 2 mg/kg. The limits for more commonly consumed citrus and pomme fruits are between 0.1 and 0.2 mg/kg.

Size: 10g Usage: 50%

To prevent fungi, use 1g of Fungicide mix with 10L Succulent SoilTo cure the fungi disease, use 1g of Fungicide mix with 1L water, and infuse the root in the fungicide water. If you want to spray with the succulent, use 1g in 10L water, and make it well dilluted.

Mini Notes: Do not directly touch with skin. Wear glove and mask when applying.





本品是一种内吸,广普性,高效杀菌防病药剂,可湿性粉剂,全水溶,使用简便,,能有效的防冶花木的白粉病,叶斑病,灰(黑)霉病,腐烂病,炭蛆病,立枯病,黑痘病。菌枝病,白腐病等多种病害 施用后有菌即杀,无病可防。 土壤杀菌,种植必备,幼苗期适用。 性能: 本品属高效、广谱、低毒、低残留高性能内吸、杀菌范围广的杀菌药剂,对花木具有治疗和保护作用。












FP003 | pesticide & Fungicides虫药 | Carbendazim多菌灵 | Prevent fungi | 10g


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